Sunday, August 28, 2022

Vintage Baby Dress N More...

 I recently found this adorable vintage baby/child's dress and I just have to share it with you!!

I saw it up for sale and kept going back to the listing... I love the soft pastel pink and sheer fabric. It was titled, "Nanette brand angel sleeves baby dress". I'm assuming a type of pajama dress? But, the feel of the fabric etc. would be a bit uncomfortable as pajamas. So, I am assuming it was a fancy party dress or after a baptism perhaps. I fell in love with the lace collar and adorable pockets on the front. So, I decided to take it and use it as a display piece on my wall. Then, I had the idea of taking the adorable Molly wall plaque by my dear friend Heather of KewtKitsch and have her seem to wear this adorable dress on my wall!
The end result was precious to me! I also added one of my vtg Plakie rattles to the pocket and now, the dress is a display piece that I could adore. I've seen a few of my fellow collector friends like Shevie use vintage baby clothing as wall decor, so why not! Now, I can see why she displays them. They definitely brighten the decor in my bedroom and tie into my esthetic. Kudos to Shevie for the inspiration!! Now, if only I could find an adult version of this dress!! Haha!
I also won this adorable baby doll by Sekiguchi on Yahoo Japan. She was made in the 80s and was just too cute to pass up. I washed and cleaned her up and added some blush. She even has her original tag still. It says, "Hi-Hi" Baby doll. Similar to the last one I adopted, this one has closed eyes with vinyl head, arms, and legs. Her body is plush. I've already added her to my Etsy shop! She is available for adoption.

Then, I was commissioned to find a Gund Bee for a friend. I was surprised to spot him on Ebay with no takers. So I quickly bought him and he arrived to me safely. Upon inspection. He was pretty minty and just needed a brush and wiped down. He even still had his original forget me knot flowers!! Awesome! This guy is already on his way to his forever home!! Love finding goodies for fellow collectors. It warms my heart to know the finds make them happy! Yay!

Just a few more finds above and below, these handmade powder puffs, I got via Etsy for some of my containers. I just love the baby blue and peach satin bows! This adorable Shillman onesie, will be awesome for a bisque doll I have! Love onesies on plushies and baby dolls! Mint too and the card is just as adorable!

These vintage doll hats I got as a lot from a fellow shop owner on Etsy. He was sharing with me that he used to be stationed on Guam in the 90s! Aww, it is always nice to meet others who have fond memories of Guam and know of Guam! Sweet seller too! These vintage hats are perfect for restoration projects that I will have in the future. Did you notice? Two of the hats are perfect for "Stinky" Skunk plush by Rushton!

Last for today, is this adorable vintage Masako Watanabe pencil case. I bought it on Ebay with a lot. This case is truly gorgeous and trust me I had a hard time resisting keeping it. Lovely and rare these days, this adorable pencil case was from a seller in California. It has some writings inside, but still the cover and backside deter you from the fact that it is a perfect display piece nonetheless!

The artwork on the back side is also one of my faves by Masako. I have this pencil case listed in my Etsy shop! Definitely a worthy piece for any Masako W. collection. 

Well, that is all for now. I hope to share some vintage plush restorations next time. Have a great week ahead and happy hunting!

Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Sunny Bear, Baby Dolls, and More!!

 I recently had the most amazing find to arrive the past week... A 1958 Sun Rubber "Sunny Bear" in brown! I have been on the hunt for a decent priced one for over 5 years now. I try not to collect too many rubber squeaks, only because of space and just a personal preference. But, I have always wanted a Sunny bear. I've had one other opportunity to get one mint in package from another collector, but at the time I didn't have the funds to acquire him. Ugh. So, while doing my ritual of searches, I finally was able to adopt one for a decent price! Yessss!

Above, Sunny, just needed a bit of cleaning up and touch on his face paint too. Sadly, the seller mentioned he didn't work. But, that was okay for me, as long as I had him. If you recall, I had a ceramic version here in this post. I traded it some time ago to another collector as well. But it just wasn't the same. I wanted a Sunny bear. Haha, well anyhow, this guy turned out lovely and I added a blue satin bow to him as well. I discovered that his mouth had a hole, so when I glued it closed, his squeaker ended up working after all. Yay! Now Sunny sits amongst my display by my bed. Greeting me every morning... Ahhh the joy!

I also won this lovely Rushton 'Fretty Freddy' plush in an estate auction online. He needed a lot of work! I washed him, cleaned his face up and touched it up. He was missing his vest, bow, and hat. I had to search for a few days to find a hat that suited him. I made the vest using vtg felt fabric and buttons I had in my stash. Then, used a red grosgrain ribbon for his tie. Now, he was ready for a new life! I had him in my Etsy shop for a week and just yesterday a buyer in China adopted him! Yay, go and be loved my dear Freddy!!

Since getting that mini Crosley record player, I found and bought a few more 3 inch records. Yup, found the Disney singles above and Charlie Brown Christmas sets too! They will be fun to use for Christmas posts this year! I also bought a lot of 2 plush bunnies, and one has a roly poly doll face!! The blue bunny girl is already listed in my shop. I will keep the roly poly face one for now.

Next, I decided to locate the rattle teether rings you see in this adorable Meyercord decal of a baby bear playing with one, and sure enough, I did!! It was sold in a lot with other rings. So, I made two sets, and one is added in my shop. I was so happy to see, this all come together! It was nice and I will keep this set for now. I also decided to sell my Cortendorf Red Head girl wall Plaque. She is listed in my Etsy shop as well. The small one I will keep.

These adorable "Curly" Baby doll fashions, I acquired as a lot from Yahoo Japan. I wasn't sure who they were meant for, but I have some idea. I mostly wanted the pink dress in the first pic for Alice. She fits it well too. I believe the latter 2 styles may fit the doll that follows after the fashions, Takara Cuddle Baby doll. Made in 1965, she is the Japanese version of the Vogue Baby dear doll also with sleep eyes. She is quite large too. Again, I don't often collect Baby dolls, but this baby is just too cute not to want to keep her! LOL  Going back to the fashions, I believe they were meant for a toddler size doll. I'm sure I will find out who that is someday.

Yup, like I said, I'm finding other cute baby dolls that I am smitten by... This one is by Sekiguchi Japan made in the 70s I believe or late 60s. She is an adorable baby doll I bought from another Etsy seller's shop. She took a month to arrive, but was so worth it. She was very dirty and needed a bath. So I washed her fashion and cleaned up the doll as best I could. You can even see in the photo below, I had to use Mr. Clean magic eraser to remove age old dust on her arms, face, and legs.

Here she is before and after. The photo above the arm one is when I found her a new dress to wear. Yay! There's something about her eyes, almost hypnotizing to me. I believe she can suck her thumb, just like her family to dolls, Moncchichis. She has a cloth body and rubber face, arms and legs. Her toes are in a cute pose too! Haha, yup I'm smitten. I also found this lovely Fancy Gund bunny, I cleaned her up. She is just too cute! Than, this adorable funny and weird plush mouse! Love his fabric eyes! Both are in my Etsy shop already.

Next, I was commissioned this past month to restore this lovely Happy Bear, who luckily, was rescued from a house fire!! He smelled of kerosene and so I decided to wash him twice. In the end after washing, his fur became so brittle and basically as I tried to sew his ripped areas, his fabric began to rip as I was sewing. Poor baby. So, the only plausible decision was to give him a new fur body. It took some time for the fur to arrive, but now he is ready to be loved again. He's already on his way back to his owner in Japan.

It has been a great month of finds. Have a wonderful weekend!

Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Fisher Price Movie Viewer TikTok Vid!

 I recently, uploaded a video on TikTok about my vintage Bandai Movie Viewer. A Japanese version to the Fisher Price Movie Viewer. Shown below. I was truly surprised at how many views it got on the app! I'm so glad it was enjoyed by all. About 273.6K views already. I've uploaded quite a few other videos since... Give my TikTok a looksie at ggsdolls_vtg!!

Watch on TikTok


Thanks for watching! ~ ggsdolls

Friday, August 5, 2022

Latest Finds...

 Gosh, we are already 5 days into the month! This year is going fast. Here's what I found the past few weeks!

I wanted a baby powder tin, empty of course to use as a prop and this adorable blue and pink ZBT version was just the right one for my nursery decor! 1950s I believe, it makes a great prop for photos.The gray poodle plush beside is just as adorable too. Found online through a shop in Canada, it is a musical plush too and when you wind it up, its head bobs side to side. Still has its original tag. She will stay in my collection for now.

 I also found 2 other matching Ballerina pin badges from Japan. They are not by the same company, but they look a lot similar. One set I've had for a few years now, and the new pins are the pink and blue on the right side of the photo. I also found these adorable 3D lenticular Morinaga cards with frames. I listed the puppy in my shop already and the ballerina will stay in my collection.

This amazing art piece is by a dear friend, Mattie from Texas. She made this for me using nail polish and it is called, "Joyful Serenity". It reminds me of the Pacific Ocean on the Eastern side of Guam, I can imagine the waves and the sea foam as they form when the waves crash against the shore. Thank you so much Mattie. I will forever treasure this beautiful piece. Some friends I find through my Etsy shop are definitely special and dear to me. This adorable blue Fawn coin bank, I found in my searches of Japan auctions. It arrived to me safely and as soon as I listed her she sold instantly! So she is already with her new Mommy. I also received this adorable Herman Pecker doll. She too sold. So I am happy that they are adopted.

Then, I won a lot of adorable vintage rattles below. This mouse is a rattle that is perhaps a squeak instead? Not sure. I will need to find some replacement squeaks too. Hmmm. I may already have some?! This mouse is already listed in my shop as well. I already listed one of the peach girl rattles too. The yellow boy rattle, I added a Meyercord sticker to him. I felt it was a perfect spot for it. Don't you think so? 

The next item, I've actually had for a few months now, but kept it in its box until I had time to take them out and properly look at them. Inspired to find by a fellow collector on instagram, atomicbouffant. This item is made by Norstar 1963, they are 3 wigs made of plastic vinyl and were intended for young girls ages 3 - 8 years old, to play grown up.

My set below, came with 4 wigs instead, 2 blondes, 1 brunette, and 1 red head/strawberry blonde. Sadly, no box, but still an adorable set and great for their condition. They will stay with me for a bit as well. I just love the styles and idea of play! Imagine these were made back in the 60s, today you can find something a bit similar at costume stores as well.

Next, this amazing find on Yahoo Japan, a King George IV Old Scotch Whiskey head bust. I got him for the "Bridgerton" feel of his look! LOL and my Etsy shop. He is already listed there and would be perfect for your "She-shed" or "Man-cave". He's quite light too and not too big. I also found this lovely Ohio art tin baby carriage. Most of the time, these strollers are expensive or hard to find in this lovely condition. So I was quite surprised to see that no one had snapped it up. The carriage will stay in my collection for now.

Below, I was also able to find a round frame for my lovely 60s pop art. Sadly, the frame was a bit small and the ceramic tile couldn't fit on the inside. So instead, I repainted the frame white and glued the art work on the front. It turned out lovely too and then added a pink satin bow. Now, she is on my wall for my viewing pleasure. I love the 60s Peter Max style of it! I also found this lovely Crosley mini turntable and records! They were released back in 2019. I had to have them and they make great props for plushies too! Just look at Chubby Cherub enjoying sounds by Johnny Cash!!

I also found another beveled glass Napoleon French ring casket! This one has a lovely peach satin pillow. It was even at a steal!! I couldn't pass it up. Now, this one will stay with me. I love it and it is already a centerpiece on my dresser!! Just simply gorgeous! Next, this adorable Sutton & Sons plastic rattle head kneehugger!! When I discovered him, I didn't realize they made rattles heads into kneehuggers as well! Haha. Too cute. He even has a little cape on. Came with his original Tag too! I may add him to the shop or not?!

Last, these adorable plushies made by icecreambear10 shop on IG. He also sells on my Etsy shop. I couldn't help but adopt the cutie bunny that laughs, and chick with bonnet. I love her face! I commissioned Alam to fix my clown plush from a friend, Thelma, and he did a beautiful job of making him into a pastel clown. He turned out lovely. He's actually larger than my original Rushton clown! Now, all of them are in a special place on display! If you would like to commission him, just message him on IG!

He even gave me a yummy lollipop too!! Thank you dear friend! Love my new/old babies! Have a wonderful week guys! Stay safe and happy hunting for vintage!

Thank you for stopping by! ~ ggsdolls