You can buy one of these vintage gum pack in my Etsy shop here!! Happy Find Y'all!
Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls
You can buy one of these vintage gum pack in my Etsy shop here!! Happy Find Y'all!
Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls
Interview with a Collector - A ggsdolls blog Series
A monthly series on my blog where I feature some of the most amazing collectors, sellers, and content creators that have become really good friends of mine and what they collect and why?
For the month of January, my blog interview is with a Canadian beauty with an eye for vintage, mentor and restorer, Savannah of OldSoulVintageCA on Instagram!
Savannah is from Ontario, Canada and is 26 years old. She sells vintage toys on Etsy and vintage patchwork quilt blankets locally for a living. Now, onto my questions for Savannah! When was the first time you encountered vintage rubber faces? Hmm... I think the first time I had seen lots of vintage rubber face toys was on the website Flickr. Back in my early days of toy collecting when Instagram wasn’t really a thing, and a few Canadian Regal brand rubber faced toys locally at antique stores and such. I've always thought they were interesting and have never found them or any of my toys creepy. The knock off Rushton Brand Santas' can be found in almost every antique store nearby so I had seen those a lot.
What is it about vintage kitsch aesthetic that makes it different from others? I would say the vintage kitsch aesthetic is different than other eras as it was really the staple and beginning of mass produced toys. Kitsch era heavily influenced toys throughout the following decades and even today that are being sold in stores. There is something so sweet and cute about the expressions, colors, and big eyes of the kitschy era. My collection originally started when I was younger. I used to go to yard sales with my grandpa as a child, he taught me how to be a finder. Once I grew out of the typical age where children stop playing with toys I was still very much obsessed with them. Mostly dolls! I started searching eBay and collector blogs, Flickr and became extremely influenced by Blythe dolls, Strawberry shortcake, Holly Hobby and rag dolls. They really took over my entire brain. My parents would find me lots of these toys locally and surprise me with them for Christmas!
Okay, my collection now is honestly quite large, but I try to part with some items in order to acquire more without feeling too crowded. I have learned to get a bit picky with my collection and don’t normally share toys I am after or actively trying to collect on social media. I am always looking for unique toys that I don’t see much of and lately I am rekindling the flame with my collecting roots and love for antique and vintage rag dolls that are one of a kind!
What has been the reaction of your family, friends or colleagues about your hobby? My partner lets me take
over rooms in our house and fill them with toys. So I thank him for that
freedom and always supporting my collecting (ha ha). My parents have
always been extremely supportive of my collecting.
They even get so excited when I have new toy arrivals! We go out
antique hunting quite often as a family as they are into this type of
thing too. I am also extremely lucky to have a cousin who shares a
passion of vintage and antique toys as well. I
have had boyfriends and friends in the past that would
make fun of my collecting and really misunderstood it. So I kind of kept
my toy collecting a big secret for a large portion of my life. (It’s
not fun). I think a lot of people who know about
my collecting in real life now don’t really get it and might find my
toys unsettling. They cannot see the artistic side to them which is hard
for me to understand. As I have grown older I embrace my collecting and
now I don’t mind sharing it with new people
regardless of their reactions or judgement. Some think it is a very
unique hobby and are shocked at the craziness of the toy collecting
world. Especially the value of some items.
Tell me about your favorite item in your collection and why it is so special to you? I have a LOT of favorite toys so this question is extremely hard for me…but I would say that my primitive rag doll cat and also this large mask face cat are in my top favorites. They are just so special to me…worn and played with kitties with character that hit every checkbox for me. I instantly feel happy when I look at them.
As a seller, when did you start selling, what has been your experience and is it easy to find things to sell for your shop? I sold my first item on
eBay when I was 13 years old! I found a vintage 'Jammie Pies' doll locally
for 3 dollars and I think I sold her for 130 dollars! Which was a lot at the time.
But my Etsy shop actually started when I was
in college and pulling some of my collection out of storage and decided
to part with some of my toy hoard. I posted them online locally and was
shocked that the value had tripled since the time I had them packed
away. I decided to start my shop and sell off
my extra strawberry shortcake dolls that I had doubles of, but then
started grabbing vintage toys while I was out thrifting as I sell
patchwork quilt blankets and used to sell vintage novelty and band
shirts or old clothing. I was able to turn this into a full
time income and eventually quit my retail job. It took a lot of work to
get my Etsy shop going with traction. There has been many times where I
part with an item from my collection and feel extremely sad about it.
But I always remind myself that better toys
eventually come along with patience.
How would you describe your shop? I would describe the
items I sell as vintage kitsch 80s and 90s girl toys but I also
occasionally sell kitschy decor items if I come across them. How do you source the items you sell in your shop? Now I source the items I
sell from a good friend of mine that lives nearby and treasure hunts
all day. I normally pick up toys from him every week, clean them up and
post them. My favorite thing is to clean
80s and 90s toys and fix them as close to original as possible. It is
so rewarding to save toys and it is a whole other passion within
collecting and selling. Cleaning toys is so therapeutic and I love
being able to reunite people with their childhood memories.
I also buy lots of my toys online, I search selling sites daily.
Sometimes I buy things and they don’t sell. It takes a lot of time,
energy and money to figure out what sells and what doesn’t. I have
donated lots of toys back after spending time cleaning them
etc because of this reason! The types of items I mainly look for are
nostalgic toys, the more obscure the better. The best toys to sell are
ones that other thrifters wouldn’t consider grabbing. But ultimately I just sell things that grab my eye.
What are some of the best selling items in your shop? The things that sell the best in my shop are Polly Pockets, Strawberry Shortcake, Care Bears, vintage Fisher Price and Playskool plush toys. I am frequently restocking these items. What is the most unique or unusual item you have come across? The most unique item I have come across are my vintage oil cloth carnival prize plush and also some antique cloth dolls I have. I truly cherish them and don’t think I can ever part with them.
If there was any item that was given to you or found for free, what would it be and why? If any item was given to me for free of charge I would have to say I would choose some early Rushtons. Mary’s earliest work really interests me. There has been a huge increase in demand for rubber faced toys in the past years. I think most of it is attributed to social media and the pandemic but also because toys have evolved into somewhat of an *aesthetic* as well…As soon as Covid started I noticed I had a lot more sales on my Etsy shop, more people interested in their childhood toys but also people have had a lot more time to get heavily influenced by Instagram collectors and discover rubber faced toys.
I also think that new collectors are drawn to “fixing“ these old toys as a hobby. Which can end up being very unfortunate to witness if they don’t know what they are doing. But overall I think that Rushton's in general are extremely enticing and interesting. Once you have one they kind of become an addiction. Their quality and craftsmanship is truly unmatched. Right now the market is so competitive and these toys are becoming more and more rare. Especially hard to find in original untouched condition. It seems that younger generations of teenagers are very into rubber faced toys and squeaks which I find interesting!
Thank you again so much to Savannah with sharing her story, collection, and shop! Be sure to visit OldSoulVintageCA on Etsy, and Instagram for Savannah's amazing restorations and treasures up for sale!!
Until next month, when we meet another collector for the Month of February!! Happy Finds Y'all!!
Thank you for stopping by! ~ ggsdolls
PLEASE READ!! This is a Vintage item and is SOLD OUT!!
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I was recently contacted via my ggsdolls website page from a seller who came into possession of a partially full box of Lotte bubble gum unopened packages!! Of course I was super stoked by even being contacted. Thanks to Jeremy of DigitAllVintage Canada on Etsy!! He found me via searching up Lotte bubble gum and saw my blog post on them here. He asked me for further information on them and if I was interested in buying the box?! Of course I was very interested and in the end we came to a decent price. The box arrived to me safely the other day and I just had to share these amazing pieces!!
On the front as shown above, "Lotte Pretty Lady Big Bubble Gum, transfer film with a card." Inside the box is supposed to hold 60packs. But, there are only 44 packs inside, still that is pretty awesome! There are three styles of the packs that I could see, a girl on the phone, a girl holding a teddy bear, and a girl holding a bag of bread or groceries. In each pack should be a paper doll card, transfer film with doll fashion on it and a sealed rectangle piece of Lotte bubble gum. This box was made back in October of 1994 and says that the gum expired on October 1996. So that tells me that Lotte Pretty Lady gum was still being made and sold around the early 90s. Wow, how cool is that?! You see I bought them with my sister in the late 70s early 80s if I recall right. But to know that they were still in production around the time my son was 3 years of age. Whoa!!
I don't recall them being in our local Mom and Pop stores after the late 80s, but I could be wrong. It may have been our distributor for Guam. Gosh, to think it may have been sold still around the 90s. Darn. Oh well. I opened one pack for myself to see what paper doll I got and her fashion?!
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Oh my goodness, when it rains it pours!! I was commissioned to find this amazing rare sleepy Mama bunny by Mary Rushton. Here is a catalog pic of her below.
She was found recently and just needed a bit of a clean up and also removal of pink highlights on her eyelids, that perhaps was done by previous owner or I am told a type of mold that happens by a fellow restorationist. So, that part is what took me long to take care of as I used a method that is a slow process to remove markings.
It took me about 2 weeks and at first, I thought it was not going to work. But whew after a week it did. Still very slight, but most of the pink marking is gone, Yay! I touched up her nose, added a bit of blush and a bow and now she is ready to go to her Daddy. She is definitely one of my ISOs. Ahhh someday!
She stands about 30 inches long and generally her paws are touching and held a baby bunny. She has felt feet and wires in her ears. Just love her so much and to be able to enjoy her for a bit is definitely a dream for sure! Also some quick finds recently, this adorable aqua lace and ruffled Valentine's chocolate box. Oh my goodness, truly gorgeous for its age. I will definitely be using these for Valentine's decor photos!!
I also got these adorable ceramic kitty pen holder vase above and this MCM wooden kitty pen decor below. Both have already been added to my shop! Just too cute! Yes, I did! I bought another Cookiegirls pillow and this time a girl hanger. Doesn't she remind you of anyone? How about Cindy Brady of the Brady Bunch!! She's so cute and currently on my wall with a cute vintage child coat!! I just love her cute face with big eyes!!
Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls
Just as the video shows, I did. I have to tell you all a bit of a back story to finding this cutie... Since finding the blue Cherub here from this post... I gave an opportunity to a close friend to adopt the blue cherub. It was a few days of talking back and forth about it, and she did. While doing my regular daily searches, this adorable black and cream chubs just happened to be in a lot with another doll, and there was about only 12 hours left in the auction. I could not believe what I was looking at. Mind you the seller's photos did not do him justice.
I patiently waited, the next day the auction was to end and because it was too end while I slept. All I could do was make a last bid in hopes that what that amount was, I may win him. It was definitely something I told myself, that if it was meant for me to have him, I would win. Plain and simple. Next morning, I woke up, checked my phone after and sure enough. I had won him with only 3 other bidders besides myself. It was meant to be, he was mine.Surprisingly that was it. Yay! I am still freaking out, I won him. Thank you Mary Rushton and the Rushton Gods!! Haha! He will live with me for now, until I'm ready for him to be loved by someone else...
Now on to sharing other goodies I found! Above these adorable large furry Squirmles I found from Japan, they are already listed in my Etsy shop. What a cool memory from the past! I've never seen large ones, so these are definitely cool! I won this adorable rattle doll, she is another addition to my collection. I also found another Macoto T. free diary book, in poor condition, but still lovely and I will add it to my other Macoto treasures.I've seen this adorable bunny with musical wind up wood carrot. He was sitting on Ebay for months, and I felt so bad for him, so I adopted him. He is like new, and works just find too. Just adorable, he will live with me for a time. I finally finished restoring this Rushton Puss N Boots. I could have made him the pink with green vest, but figured he looked better with red. He was adopted not too long after I had listed him. Yay!
Last for this today, this amazing mint unopened Christmas stocking with rattle toys I bought from a friend. Oh my goodness, how cute is this!! Inside, a rattle doll, rattle tags, telephone, plastic bath toys too. Definitely another amazing piece of toy history!
2022 was awesome, and so far 2023 is off to a great start! Happy collecting my friends!
Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls