If you recall my post here, about the popular Rushton Co. "Chubby Tubby" Bear!! Well, you know that I've been hoping to find a Cherub Cub... Long story short, I did!!! Well almost, kinda sorta, LOL
About 2 weeks ago, I came across a white Chubby Tubby up for grabs, I made an offer and the seller allowed me to buy him out right. But, the thing was... a silly ZERO bidder, interrupted our dealings and the seller had to wait about a week to see if that ZERO bidder would pay. Nope, just like all the other bidding messes that has been happening dealing with VTG Rushtons, you know where, making all the prices go crazy high for the rest of us. But even though we warn the sellers, this person still does it just to irk the hell out of all of us. Well, I was still able to get this cutie and at the price I had offered too! So, "IN YOUR FACE!!" MR/MRS ZERO Bidder!! Mwwwahhhhahahaha! (insert scary voice here)
My vtg Rushton Chubby Tubby arrived and the seller was such a sweetheart too!! She added this lovely vtg style Valentine's card and note for me. She wrapped my sweet bear in colorful tissue paper and he was in just amazing condition just as she had him in her listing...
I took off all his bows and flowers to wash him. He was in lovely condition, but I wanted to freshen him up. He is snow white now. I put back his original bows and flowers, and also added some gold angel wings. Yup wings! So, now he is a lovely white Cherub Cub! I love his facial expression, his paws and feet too! I have always wanted a Cherub Chubby, and now I have one!! He will be a lovely addition to my little Rushton family of plushies!!
His wings are vintage craft wings too! I thought of getting a larger pair, but I think these worked out just as lovely! Don't you think? I did add a bit more blush to his face, and in the same peach coloring he originally had. I did a wiped down on all rubber parts and brushed his fur out. Now, to find a spot to keep him free from dust... The wings you see on the advertisement is actually made of felt, similar to the ones on the Rushton Owl plush, and not this type. But, I think these looks way better!!

I also have a few commissions I worked on this weekend... A gift from a fellow collector named seafoodpasta on IG, just look at this awesome drawing of Daisy a lavendar Rushton cow!! Thank you James!! Just too cute! Love his note too! He wanted me to restore his adorable Rushton Panda. I began working on him, and have already finished his paws and feet. I will have to wait to get some fur to come in to patch the areas that are missing fur. This will be a challenge, I don't want to wash him for fear of what could happen with the black fur bleeding... You'll see why later in the post.
This lovely Rushton Molly Cottontail owned by Paula, a fellow collector and friend as well. She sent her Molly for a spa day with me. I was also able to fix her bonnet too!! You can see the before and after shots below that I took showing the restoration. It was a pleasure to see this old bunny get some love and now looking refreshed!!
I was worried I wasn't going to be able to fix her bonnet, but after much thought, I was able to figure out what needed to be done. I'm glad I gave it a try!! Paula was also able to adopt the Peter Cottontail I restored as well. Now, Molly and Peter are on their way home to her!! Enjoy them Paula!!
The Panda above is not James's, but a Panda I was able to adopt. Sadly, I could not get those darn black stains off from the previous owner trying to wash him. Ugh. But, I refreshed his face and added this lovely polka dotted bow and red poppy flower to him. He is ready to be adopted. I announced that I was taking offers for him...
Last, is a Lot that I won above. I am working on restoring them and then will show more next post. It has been fun restoring some of my fellow friends and collectors plushies... It has become a business in itself and I am enjoying every minute of it!! If you'd like your baby restored, just message me via Etsy and tell me what you are wanting to get done?
Have a great weekend and rest of the week friends!
Thank you for stopping by! ~ ggsdolls